Sunday, 12 August 2012

ये मेरा इंडिया

रोते बच्चे की ममता की आस हैं, ये मेरा इंडिया 
धूप मे चिलचिलाते रेगिस्तानो की प्यास है, ये मेरा इंडिया 
सूखे से पेड़ मैं सावन की, तलाश है "ये" मेरा इंडिया
हर दिन कुछ नया कर जाने की, प्रगति पाने की प्यास हैं, ये मेरा इंडिया 
बोर्डर पे लड़ते जवानों की घर आने की आस हैं, ये मेरा इंडिया 
ईमानदार  नेताओ की, देशभक्त  जवानों की आवाज़ हैं, ये मेरा इंडिया 
रोते हुवों को हँसाने की, प्यार बरसाने, मदद करते जाने की सौगात हैं "ये" मेरा इंडिया 
सपनो की, कथा कहानियों  की ग्रंथो रामायणों की अताहः हैं ये मेरा इंडिया
और आज 
महंगाई के असमानों की, बहकते नौजवानों की, बेघर बेगानों की तलाश है ये मेरा इंडिया
घुसखोर इंसानों की, बेशरम  नौजवानों की,  बिखरते अरमानो की जमात हैं ये मेरा इंडिया   
दंगो मैं पलती, राख मैं बदलती तड़पती-सड़ते हुए अरमानो की, corruption की, नपुंसक लाश हैं ये मेरा इंडिया 
नए प्रद्योगिक खजानों की, नए विज्ञानों की, बेहतर मकामो की श्वास हैं ये मेरा इंडिया 
नयी चाहो की, नयी रहो की आज के युवा के ....  पास  हैं ये मेरा इंडिया 
आओ कदम दो बड़ा लो, बचा लो इसे, वर्ना बचेगा नहीं - "ये मेरा इंडिया 

Thursday, 2 February 2012

TRUTH ....

I don't seem to exist anymore.....
and my not observed..
I do stand out see people pass or two looking at me..
scratching me....trying to friend me...
But some else....pulls them away and they easily sway..and go away..
They keep staring at me...wanting me ...cursing me
They keep on trying half heartedly....they even pray.....
Oh God is there no body with him?? No-no, no way
All of them just want to pray....

Sincerely yours

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Its been ... ... ...

Its been years since I have, had a good night  sleep
Its been years since I shared my feelings, was sad and weeped
Its been time since I have met any friends
Its been time ..and alas I have accepted the tends
Its been a while I jumped out of joy, burst out in laughter or played a con
Its been a while I said it .."damn it I don care bring it on...

Its been years since I had that conversation where i could have said it all
Its been years since the kingdom in and around me was on full glory but now it has to fall
Its been time since I said I care..
Its been time since i did anything out of a dare
Its been a while and I miss my life, and I am just playing a safe game
Its been a while I want to break free, change the living  but its still the same

Its been so long I have just thought about only thinking to do it....
Its bee very long and its decided its affirmative......I am going to DO it ;)