Thursday, 30 April 2009

random blabber of my thoughts

Something's happening, all my memories are in a blurr, i don't know where are they heading to
People, relations, friends, foes, nothing matters anymore...don't know what i am becoming
a living Zombie with emotions....dying day by day, i know the cure but i don't want to be cured
old memories be it bitter or bad...oH i forgot "GOOD"are gone, i don't remember myself anymore
when was the last i was me, i don't know, i don't even remember who i was,
all the time i use to say, be yourself be yourself and now ? where is this self gone
its lost in adapting, lost in translation,
i am Lost, noone ot turn to, never spoken my heart off "REALLY" to anyone,
just pretend i am good, inside i am all evil, waiting to sting
i don't know when and why i have translated to this phenom
but thats what i am, i wana be myself again break free but
i bound myself again, i wana prove myself but i fail again and again
i don wana play this good boy mask again, but cant help it out
i always think if i had some superpower, i would be a great individual, i could do this and that
but deep down ..i know i wanted it so that i be special, people praise me, fear from me respect !
is what i thought i'll get but the very thought of power rings the bell in my head
What if ? it turns onto the evil side, what ifff?
as i don't know what i am becoming ....but i come back to my senses and start thinking again
Like a normal human being....:P a NORMAL HUMAN BEING
thats what i am and thats what i don't wanna be, a common man
but is my confusing me a normal person to a common man ?
i say to my mind "man Stay Focussed" you gotta believe in me you gotta believe in yourself
i get no rely and he does what he wants to and i just move and act like a puppet
acting on a script .. which i feel i written and then again some pages torn and then again written
some places where written in ink and it seems it got faded ans sometimes it feels
somewhere my story is unwritten there's unfinished pages....blank..all those moments gone which could have been there, which could have been special, which were memorable
But again my mind plays a game and the heart comes into picture my friend
it says you are the creator of you own destiny and all the moments u are talking about are nothing but moments that will be made by you, and u will remember how special those moments were beacuse you were there in their formation and not beacz they were juss good moments
so my pal tHink back and live again play ur part welll, evil or good all upto you

Biren Bhatia

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